Monday, April 25, 2016

Boldly approaching God

I still remember a few years ago discovering that I couldn't do anything good for God without his grace empowering me. Sometimes in the Bible, the word 'grace' refers to God's special assistance, as in Hebrews 4:16
'Let us then boldly approach the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.'
This verse was a real game changer for me. It changed the way I did life. I began to trust less in my own strength, and spent more time asking God to help me live for him. It also changed the way I preached: At the end of my sermons I now warned the congregation that we can't obey God without him empowering us to do it, therefore, we should cry out to him for help.

Because it was such a game changer in my theology, I wrote a song about it for us to sing. Songs are a great way for us to not only learn theology, but also to beat it down into our hearts.

I initially wrote the song from memory, without looking up Hebrews 4:16. But after a while, I thought, 'hang on a minute, surely we can't boldly go into God's presence, isn't that rude and presumptuous?' So, I looked up the verse, and then looked at it in Greek, and realised that, Yes! We really can BOLDLY approach God! Isn't that amazing, that as his children, we can boldly approach him. We don't have to fear him being annoyed or angry at us. Jesus took all that annoyance and anger at the cross. What a wonderful God!