Monday, December 25, 2006

Keepin it real at Christmas

My wife and I have wanted to make sure our 3 year old daughter properly understood what Christmas was about, and so I thought I'd share what we did with her in the morning to celebrate Christmas.
Shay (my wife) made a pretend stable out of chairs and blankets, and put toy animals inside it, and a car seat with our 6 month old baby boy Josiah in it. His job was to play the part of Jesus. We crawled into the stable and explained to Jayda where we were and that Josiah was playing Jesus and asked Jayda who she wanted to be. She decided to be a shepherd, and that Shay and I were to be wise men! We all put blankets with bands around our heads, and Jayda grabbed a cuddly sheep. I then read out the Christmas story from Jayda's beginners Bible, leaving gaps like, "in the town of ...." for her to fill in. We had a really good time doing this, and then we prayed and sang happy birthday to Jesus.
It was a wonderful family time of remembering Jesus breaking into the earth, and of thanking him for doing this. Its one of the many things we can do with our children to keep it real at Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone,

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